Future Template Parent Podcast | EMDR intensive tips for EMDR therapists

Episode 85: Navigating Ongoing Work with Former Intensive Clients

Carolyn Solo | Business Coach for EMDR Therapists Episode 85

Welcome back for another episode of the Future Template Parent Podcast! In today's episode,  We discuss something I've talked to different coaching clients about a number of times. What it can be like to do ongoing work with a client who was originally an intensive client. 

Topics covered:

  • Introduction to Intensive Therapy for New Clients
  • Navigating Client Relationships Post-Intensive
  • Case Studies: Transformative Experiences in Intensives
  • Navigating Clinical Decisions and Boundaries
  • The Importance of Structure in Therapy Practice

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“I primarily led the decision making about terminating the relationship at that point, because I thought it was clinically appropriate and it's what I wanted for my practice. But both of those things are important. But it is cool to see how the intensive was the starting point.” - Carolyn